
Dapet $30 cuma nulis Artikel

Sedikit info ne, sapa tahu pada bisa ngikutin,lumayan bisa buat jajan hosting.. sorry make bahasa Inggris, soalnya memang harus menggunakan bahasa inggris untuk ikut ini. Ini saya ambil dari beberapa pengalaman teman saya, kalo saya sendiri sih belum voba, soalnya ga sempet buat artikel nya !!

yup, ini dia..
Just a heads up to any of you that are new at making some extra $$ with AC.. Don't forget to check the "calls for content" for any of the offers from AC's partner sites. I claimed 2 of them this morning. They wanted 400 word articles on the Swine Flu and both were accepted by AC and reuters.c0m for $30. It took me about 45 mins. each to write (didn't need to research em, I just had the news on as I wrote em) SO that was a cool 30 bucks for 1 1/2 hrs work.

Also, I thought I'd share a few tips on what works for me at AC. I've got 4 good re writers I picked up at GAF for $1 per 500 to 600 words. I took the time to email back and forth with my re writers (once I knew they had promise)when I hired them to get them trained as to just what I needed from the articles, (SEO, adding personality to the rewrites, proper keyword density and usage, showed em how to use DupeFree etc) and it's payed off nicely.

I submit approx. 40 articles a day and get $3.50 to $4.50 per article and very few get denied (1 - 3 per 100 submitted)

When I first started AC 2 mnths ago I was trying to submit any cr*p that rewriters sent my way, but you just end up spinning your wheels and wasting time with articles refused and time wasted submitting for tiny profits. If you put that little bit of initial time into finding and training good rewriters it totally pays off.

Hope some of this helps

and don't forget to check the "calls for content" for alot better pay per article

Good luck!

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